Just arrived! Awesome clutches that we had made from recycled breast cancer event banners. They will be sold with 100% of the proceeds going to Earlier.Org for an earlier detection to breast cancer.
MESSAGING: Each piece is unique and one of a kind. You can catch a glimpse of the different sponsors and a lot of hearts portraying they were originally used for something with a cause.
LOVE: They are USA Made and utilized a handicap facility to help clean the banners prior to being cut and sewn. They are giving back to a cause. Unique and one-of-a-kind.
ADD: It would be fun to see how they would have looked with an interior card holder pocket and a cute step-and-repeat liner with fun messaging.
CHANGE: Nothing at this time. Absolutely love them!
If you have banners that you don’t want going to a landfill CONTACT US! We can come up with some cool ideas for how to re-purpose and re-use them.