Decorating on Headwear2015-02-17T15:03:13-07:00

lackpardcaps    ottoflip45caps

You can do a lot with headwear if you have the time. To get an all over custom look and feel you need to plan at least 4 weeks for the hats to be made overseas. If you don’t have that kind of time you still have some great options for decorating on headwear.

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions…

1. Can I imprint on ball caps?

  • Yes, if you have them for us to import them from overseas which is 4-6 weeks.
  • We can do a heat transfer that looks similar to imprinting but you are limited on design due to the spacing needed around colors.

2. Can I decorate on the bill?

  • Yes, if you have the time for us to import them from overseas. We can do customization all over including in the rim.
  • Domestically this look would be costly and very tough to achieve.

3. Can we sew an appliqué or patch onto the hats?

  • We can do this over seas as well but domestically we can produce the patch but they would have to be ironed on.

4. What’s the latest trend for decorating a ball cap?

  • Puffy or dimensional embroidery off to one side of the front.
  • Flat to flip brims.
  • Distressed worn vintage looks.

5. If I don’t have time for custom overseas what are my options for decorating?

  • You can decorate off to one side, front centered, both sides and on the back.
  • Decoration methods include; flat embroidery or 3D embroidery, heat transfer, printing, and digital direct to cap.


Decorating Techniques T-Shirts2015-02-17T15:04:31-07:00

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There are many cool methods and ways to decorate on t-shirts which makes designing the art so much fun.

Here are some of the most common questions we get asked when decorating on t-shirts…

1. How many colors can we use?

  • It depends on what you want to spend and the look you are aiming for.
  • If we are doing a dye sublimation fabric then you can use as many as you like.

2. Why am I getting charged for 3 colors when the art is only 2 colors?

  • If you are decorating on t-shirt that is not white then we need to add an under base or flash of white so that the t-shirt color will not show through. There are a couple of print methods we can do that don’t require and under base depending on the look you are going for.

3. Does the type of t-shirt I get make a difference with printing?

  • Yes! Certain print methods work best with 100% cotton, otherwise you could be at risk for dye migration.
  • You can do a blend but there are no guarantees as to how the design will turn out and you will have to sign a waiver. In 12 years I have only experienced dye migration once.

4. What decoration methods do I have for t-shirts?

  • Screen printing; Hires Accucolor,  Retail Soft, Discharge UB, Puff Ink, Glow in the Dark, Metallic Shimmer, Retail Soft, 4 Color Process, Spot Color, Eco Friendly and Color Discharge.
  • Digital Print.
  • Dye Sublimation – a cool way to get an all over look.
T-Shirt Unique Branding Locations2015-02-22T09:14:57-07:00

Below is a guide for unique branding locations.
Shirt printing locations-01

T-Shirt Imprint Standard Sizing2014-08-25T19:29:09-06:00

Below is a general guideline to help determine the standard sizing areas for t-shirt imprinting.

Shirt printing locations-02

Embroidery on Apparel2015-02-17T15:07:10-07:00


For years embroidery on apparel has been the most common method of putting your logo on a hat, jacket or shirt.

Here are some of the most common questions regarding embroidery on apparel…

1. What type of art file do I need?

  • You must have a hi-res vector file in which the art is layered.
  • Hi-Res vector files can be created and saved in Adobe Illustrator. Files types of .ai and .eps are compatible with digitizing software.

2. What is the stitch count of the logo?

  • The stitch count along with the quantity determines the cost to embroider.
  • A detailed design typically has a higher stitch count than copy or text. The only way to decipher the stitch count is when the hi-res vector art is submitted to the embroidery’s digitizer.
  • The number of color is not a factor for embroidery.

3. What are the most common embroidery locations that are done domestically?

  • Headwear – Front, Side or Back.
  • Apparel – Left Chest, Cuff, Yolk, Sleeve.

4. What is the digitization fee for?

  • In order to set the design up on the embroidery machines a digital file has to be produced. Once the digitization is finalized we keep it on file for re-orders. If the logo size changes there is a small fee for resizing the file.

While embroidery  is still a gold standard method there are other new ways to get the look you want without the pricey cost of stitch counts and digitization fees. Ask us about Laser Etching, Debossing, heat transfers and other alternatives to getting the look you want on your next apparel piece.

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