I love writing and have kept a journal since the age of 5. When it comes to choosing a journal, I don’t like anything fancy, just simple, consistent and basic, that I can carry around and fill with with notes and thoughts for the day. One of my favorite journal brands is Field Notes. The brand consistency, simplicity and style of these journals is what keeps steady growth and loyalty from a “cult” like fan base.
“Draplin’s notebooks are direct descendants of those given to customers by agricultural companies in the early 1900’s. Friends went crazy for his handmade versions, each covered in kraft paper emblazoned with “Field Notes” in sturdy Futura Bold typeface.
Field Notes have a kraft hand-made look and come in a variety of colors and limited editions. Don’t wait too long the limited editions sell out really fast.
Added bonus and additionally why I love them is that they are made in the U.S.A.
Check out the Video “From Seed”, Draplin’s passion for the notebooks is contagious and his love for the brand he created is obvious and fun to watch.
I am not writing it down to remember it later, I am writing it down to remember it now.