Project Description

Apparel dominates our promotional world here at Theory Brand Agency, so whenever we get the chance to pitch an idea for something truly unique and fun, we go all in.
Mellanox was partnering with DevelopHer, a company dedicated to empowering women in the tech field, and they wanted a takeaway for their conference to give a little something extra to their attendees.
We knew right away we wanted to give something to attendees that would be something they could hold on to and look back on to remember the conference. What was something small that one could carry with them all the time? A keychain! We’ve done wooden keychains before, but the idea of being able to cast our own metal keychain was very exciting to us. After convincing our client to go for our keychain idea, we began researching ideas.
After perusing DevelopHer’s website for a while, we noticed they used a lot of uplifting and empowering words. Our thought was that by putting one of these keywords onto this keychain, it could be used as a source of empowerment at any time. The women could look down at her keys, see the keychain and remember that she can do anything she sets her mind to. Using some of those words and a few of our own, we came up with the idea to cast those onto our keychain. We chose: Worth It, Fearless, Valuable, and a standard one with just their logo DevelopHer. Much to our surprise they chose “FEARLESS”. The word was filled with DevelopHer’s signature pink color and surrounded by a black fill and Mellanox’s logo was stamped on the back.
We love being able to expand our areas of expertise and we are thankful for our clients who trust us to come up with new, creative ideas!